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Old 14th May 2015, 08:00 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
The stamped devices seen in your blade correspond to various Italian origin marks most notably those known as 'twig' marks (the central figure is indeterminate), which were used in numerous configurations. While obviously this would suggest such origin for this blade, it seems doubtful as Solingen was typically the source for most of these. I believe it is quite possible that this may be a Styrian blade as they often copied Italian marks in these times. I need to check further into Boccia & Coelho to see if perhaps the original marks are there,.

As Cap/n Mark has noted, these stout heavy bladed sabres were often favored in maritime context for the excellent hand protection and heavy shorter blades ideal for close quarters/ melee engagement. I would note here that these so called 'Sinclair' sabres ( more accurately dusagge) were also long believed to have been highly influential to Highland basket hilts.
While that specific claim is somewhat disputed, it is notable that these distinctive 'heart' devices in the hilt also occur regularly in pierced designs in Highland basket hilts. It seems quite possible that this association might secure certain associations between these and the same design seen in those basket hilts.
Thanks Jim! You are always such a wealth of information. Now I just need to do a search for 'twig' marks and find some examples. You've mentioned Solingen before and I will revisit those discussions while making a new search for "Styrian" and "Boccia & Coelho".

Maybe you could answer a question, why is this a sabres rather than a cutlass? Is the blade to short or narrow? Is it now curved enough?


Originally Posted by ulfberth
Hello Dana, my compliments on this untouched sword !
As Jim said, the blade could be Solingen or Styrian, these swords were well used all over Europe from Italy to Denmark in the 16th and 17th century and maybe even as Pirate swords.
After all they are very useful for close range sword fighting, although their balance lends more to slashing and cutting they can be uses for stabbing as well.
The picture is from the castle in Coburg Germany, in the front you can see swords with the same rectangle pommel on different hilts, basket hilts and simpler hilts, in the back left side, there are several one's like yours with a sail guard hilt and rectangle pommel,one even has the heart shape in it.
These swords were well spread in use and over an extensive period by farmers, citizens, soldiers etc.

Kind regards
Thanks for the kind words and comments and Ulfberth. And especially for sharing the photo.
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