Thread: Mark on sword
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Old 24th October 2023, 06:36 PM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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As Fernando notes, a blind image of a mark alone without the context of the weapon it is difficult to determine as far as significance or meaning. If we can see the nationality, period or type of weapon, it might help explain why the mark is there.
There are of course distinct associations with this mark to magical/occult symbols which though certainly are the realm of these arcane subjects, and hard to identify as similar or like symbols seem to have different meanings in different areas.

I am not sure which area this particular mark might be in, but as noted the symbol for the number seven is a possible instance of talismanic device.
Many symbols are deemed Cabalistic , but actually they are often actually magic or alchemical symbols (this one actually also represents alum in chemical parlance), "The Book of Signs"Rudolf Koch, 1930". While alchemy was of course a type of psuedo science forerunning actual chemistry etc. it was closely aligned with astrology and supersitions, so actual meanings of symbols and allegories are pretty subjective.

It seems often these kinds of singular markings on blades are mistaken by many arms enthusiasts as being 'makers marks'. While some makers did perhaps use some degree of such symbolism incorporated into their marks, these singular marks usually stand alone with other meanings, now unknown.
These kinds of arcane marks often were used by stonemasons in medieval times and often derived from even earlier Byzantine symbols.

What we can be pretty sure of is that this is not a makers mark, but some sort of talismanic or perhaps implied quality imbuement in at this point, entirely unknown context.
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