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Old 29th January 2019, 11:07 PM   #14
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
The amount of money that I consider to be too much for a repair that I need to pay for is the amount that I cannot recoup if I wish to sell the restored object.

It is the same with anything that you invest money in:- you want to get back the money you have invested + opportunity cost as a bare minimum, if you can make a small profit, that's good too, but it is not essential. What you do not want is to have more money invested in something than you can sell it for.

In respect of this keris, just for the sake of argument, let's say I bought this in Jawa from a dealer. If I were to add $US100 to the purchase price I would need to pay, and I sold it fairly quickly, so that opportunity cost was not significant, the price I would need to ask would make it impossible to sell on the market I sell in.

However, if had bought it cheaply at a weekend market, or from somebody who did not know its value, then maybe $US100 would not be too much.

The cost that makes a repair unreasonable is the cost that causes you to lose money when you sell the object, and that applies to anything at all that you invest money in.
Alan while i completely understand your school of thought here in regards to possible re-sale i hope you equally understand that from my own perspective the concept of resale or collecting a keris with the concern of whether i could ever recoup my investment is the furthest thing from my mind. This is not to say i have not, over the years, tired of older members of my family that perhaps no longer meet my standards as a worthy item to maintain in my collection, but i generally don't have much concern in those cases over the amount of money i am able to get when i sell those pieces. I do completely understand, however , why that would not be a viable strategy for yourself.
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