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Old 16th December 2018, 01:03 PM   #43
Bill M
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I have not tried to study the keris terminology in many years. I was not good at learning the physical points, ever. My "study" was in "feeling". I had and have great teachers. I see something, I like and I acquired it.

In many, in ALL, religious studies quickly evolve into another "level" that transcends physicality, because religious studies, by Nature, take us into this other "level" where the rules are very different.

Paradoxes occur in all deep studies of religion. These are only "paradoxes" because we try to reconcile them by using our five senses of the level, Malkuth.

All great teachers, great creations, like well-done keris for example, are rooted in our five senses. Roadmaps that reach us to finer levels.

So, using the best pieces, created by the best craftsmen, are roadmaps -or even not created by the best craftsmen have personal value.

To reach beyond, we study the roadmaps, but to have an inkling of what is beyond, and that beyond is where we are drawn. We are all doing this. It is our nature, whether great spiritual teacher or the average person.

So it takes meditation to study further. Allow our minds to trace the shapes in the keris, and go further. Yes, study the details, the shapes, the materials and how they are arranged, but always a roadmap is not the territory

Parts of the roadmaps teach a part of the territory and each person's truth is only and always personal to each person. Each person has a different perspective. Each perspective has value. Some of these perspectives are not relevant, some are to me.

For me, I try to see, think, feel, but I must always be aware that another person's perspective either moves me forward by integrating my own, if not, I try to walk away and find that something, that personal Beauty that resonates with my inner core.

I am having a very strong desire and am returning to the "study of keris." There are great examples, great teachers, great roadmaps, here.

I am very much attracted to the ron dha. And I am looking for the "man" in the patterns in the keris.

These private words I speak in public, but, these are these words are mostly things I want to hear because I need to study.

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