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Old 12th July 2018, 03:27 PM   #28
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سر افگنده و بر کشیده کلاه در آمد یپایین )از( تخت شاه
بهرچه خوش آید بدند آن او نتابند گردن ز فرمان او
اشارت کند تا رقیبان تخت بسازند با شاه فیروز بخت
With head lowered (ashamed) and hat (crown) removed
The king came down from his throne
Whatever he (this is someone else) liked they gave to him
They would not stray from his orders
Gestures so the competitors for the throne
Cooperate with the glorious king.

These six verse are from a bigger poem I am not sure what, or who is the poet.

the other side sounds fragmented there are 5 verses which does not sound right and the only ones that rhyme are verse 3 and 4. I could not make out the ones indicated before, even with the better pictures.
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