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Old 11th October 2023, 11:10 PM   #22
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 314

Good points and references plus the important question as to why she sank? There are several theories as to why...There were two refits both of which added weight to the vessel and the danger of firing a broadside or part volley... perhaps half broadside could be another reason as would turning perhaps too quickly etc etc... A fairly large percentage of the vessel was not intact when recovered and either was rotten and vanished after her years on the ocean floor... thus adding to the difficulty of knowing what exactly happened... On another note only about 30 of the crew survivewd thus hardly any key witnesses were available even immediately after her demise... It occured to me that there were no survivors below decks because of the protective deck netting against being boarded... ...This warship also carried huge heavy long flags and enormous pennants hanging from the mast heads... A fast turn in a high swell plus strong winds plus the addition of weight from the last recent refit and assisted by a set of massive flags could have tipped her over and if the lower Gun doors were open that may well be why the ship capsized...Regards,Peter Hudson.
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