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Old 28th February 2005, 01:59 PM   #70
Ann Feuerbach
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 133

Thank you Jim for your kind praise. Believe it or not, I was condemed by my PHD supervisor for not writing "academic" enough. I think that means big words and complicated sentence structures! However, my Russian friends said they like it because they can actually read/translate it easily. I always thought that the was the point of academic writing. Obviously I am not of the elitest academic type. I have so much more to add for the book that could not be put in the PhD
As to archaeomagnetism testing. I believe that the process involves carefully measuring the angle of declination as well as intensity and direction before it is removed from the ground, and then again in a special chamber to eliminate outside forces. I do not recall off hand how much the objects make up is involved.
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