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Old 9th July 2013, 07:45 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by fernando
I am sorry Wayne
You might have not noticed that presently i am not acting as a a moderator.
On the other hand, i don't think the ongoing conversation has lost its flavor and there are no strong reasons to split the thread.
We are all sportsmen here and i am sure Dmitry agrees with this.
Ah, by the way: none of my five cats has a pedigree ... but they are all cats alright
OK. hadn't noticed you'd stepped down. i'll babel on then.

my dogs were not AKC registered greyhounds either (Millie was an NGC registered racer and quite a good one, tho not a top champion - she did win 2/3 of her races tho & made her racing owners a fortune) the akc people tend to look down on ngc people and their dogs for not conforming to their breed standard & did not allow ngc dogs to be akc registered until recently, when an ngc dog was allowed grudgingly in, and went on to win best in breed! ngc dogs tend to be smaller and much more muscular.

my male, Blue, i entered in a local dog show. the owner of three AKC greyhounds also entered in the show was quite condescending when i walked blue by him.


Blue won the blue ribbon for best dog. the AKC ones didn't get anything.
(he did have a tail, it's wagged behind him on his left side )

as they've passed over, millie went this easter, i'm looking for a replacement, have seen a nice abandoned spanish galgo on a spanish rescue site i might sponsor for a trip to sunny england. he's not registered either, but also a greyhound.

a gratuitous Millie photo:
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