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Old 22nd April 2019, 01:37 AM   #10
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,861

OK Jaga, here's a comment.

I've just checked out the original thread, and yes, it was pretty neglected when you got it. You showed some pics in the first thread of what it looked like after a clean up --- vinegar I guess?

I think that if this was my keris I would have been happy to leave it like that, but you have some realgar, and you intend to try a stain with that. I suggest that you get back to us after you do the stain.

Incidentally, these most recent pics do not do justice to this blade. I suggest you try open shade, south facing if possible, photograph the blade by itself, not together with the wrongko, and in processing, remove cyan totally from from your image as the first step.I'm guessing you're doing the pics hand-held, so make sure your shutter speed and aperture will accommodate hand tremor and also give sufficient depth of field to show blade detail end to end. Focus in the center of the blade.

If you photograph with the wrongko, the wrongko colour can bleed into the blade giving the blade a lousy colour, if you do not use natural light, or you have reflected light from a coloured wall or something similar, that can also affect colour. This is actually a pretty nice blade, and it deserves much better photos.
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