Thread: Pakem and Keris
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Old 26th April 2009, 07:31 PM   #3
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Posts: 104


There are two different copies of line drawings of Dapurs from the Surakarta court floating around. There are about 160 dapurs of kerises and 51 dapurs of tombaks in these drawings.

One copy is a xerox of full size drawings and the other is a copy of reduced size drawings collected in a bound printing entitled "Dhapur, Buku Gambar Bentuk Keris Dan Tombak". My copy of the book has several missing pages (replaced with double copies of the next page).

These seem to have come out of the Kraton under PBX in 1920. These are not different copies of the same thing as one copy is the blade itself (which is the real intention of the listings) while the other has a Solo grip on the blades of the kerises while the tombaks are plain steel in both issues.

Now that I got to that portion of the new translation of Groneman's work on the Javanese Kreis there is a bunch of this information there also. I haven't cross checked this info with the others yet.

If you can get hold of a copy of one of these it should satisfy your wish.

I also just noticed that the bound book I mentioned is advertised in the back of Kris magazine Vol 13/2008 for Rp 150,000 or 250,000 depending on the paper size. Email and see if they can help you out. They are bundling up loose issues of Keris magazine and selling them on the same page. They might be selling all of the other book that are advertised in this area of the magazine.


Last edited by Mick; 26th April 2009 at 10:31 PM.
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