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Old 18th August 2022, 08:29 AM   #2
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,699

These types of keris are outside my area of interest now, but a long time ago they were very much of interest to me.

Back in the 1980's I used to attend the gunshows in eastern Australia, I attended as a dealer. At one of these shows I was approached by a two gentlemen, one was British, one was from Malaysia, the matter of hilt position on this type of keris came up and what I was told was that the reverse position of the hilt indicates that the person wearing it is at peace with the world & need not be considered to be a threat, so as a matter of good manners, he reverses the hilt.

If the keris is expected to be used then the correct position is determined by pinching the blumbangan between index finger and thumb & the top of the gonjo is anchored against the first joint of the index finger, somebody expecting to need to use the keris used to wear a wide ring that acted as a cushion for the gonjo, and then twisting the hilt to the position that is comfortable, which will place the flats of the blade parallel to the ground.

This hilt position for use will place the angle of the hilt about midway between sirah cecak & pesi.
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