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Old 24th September 2012, 07:00 AM   #17
satsujinken's Avatar
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
I'm sorry Donny but it is absolutely, totally impossible for me to give you the information that you need by way of written words and pictures. It has taken me over 50 years to gain my knowledge through hands on contact with keris and hands on training from masters. I cannot pass this on in the way that you might like.

My best suggestion for you is to find a knowledgeable person or persons in Jawa who can teach you.

You're right there, on the ground. You're in Surabaya, where much can be learnt by somebody who really wants to learn.

I had to travel back and forth from Australia and spend more money than I can possibly estimate to gain my knowledge. You can get similar knowledge just by committing to the search and moving around in your own backyard.

All education cost two things at least:-

1)--- time

2)--- money

Internet communication is no substitute for hands on experience and you can get this very, very easily.
I understand clearly your point, Sir

too bad that many Indonesian did not value their heritage.

OK back to the point, I would like to ask you about one characteristic of older blade my friend told me last night

feel free to correct me on this one

there are 3 shapes of pesi : rounded, rounded and spiral-like, and squared (kotak)

squared pesi are from old blade, very old blade
spiral-like and rounded are common and from younger blade

is it true ?? can the shape of pesi be used as one of main factor to determine age ?? is there no younger keris with pesi kotak ?? (squared)

photo below taken from various sources, and only served as educational purposes - I have sent email to the owner asking for permission to use his pictures for educational purposes and as courtesy, I put the link to his website :

1st photo from Jalak Budho keris, the owner said that it is genuine Singosari era, and honestly that's what I thought seeing this keris ... looked like something you dig up from the ground - and has been there for centuries

2nd photo showing the keris' pesi (squared), or kotak in Indonesian terms

3rd photo showing standard pesi (rounded)

4th photo showing spiral-like pesi
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