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Old 12th July 2021, 08:25 AM   #1
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Default Keris from Garut with Quranic inscriptions

Here is a photo of a keris taken by Isidore van Kinsbergen, in the Rijksmuseum collection (source:

The description is as follows:
Kris (keris) ornamented with a veiled Durga, acting as the goddess of the netherworld, ready for frightening a victim to death; probably inscribed with a Koran verse in Arabic script. Garut, Garut district, West Java province, 18th century.
In case it helps spur some discussion, some questions:

* When did Quranic inscriptions start appearing on keris?

* Why do you think we don't see more examples of old keris with overtly
Muslim features given the importance of Islam in the royal courts of Java

* Does anyone know anything more about this specific keris that can be shared?

* How likely is it that this a well-kept keris buda which had been added to?

* Is there anything to be made about this keris, such as if it is one that we would expect to be fine and expensive in its time?
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