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Old 22nd November 2017, 12:55 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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'Nando, I'll have you know that I went to the esteemed Mr. Magoo Academy of Photography, thank you very much! . Yes, I am no master with the camera.

I was unaware you recently got a dog lock! I've fallen behind on recent threads and will try to take a peak.

In regards to buccaneers, I did indeed mention the earlier chaps, so the second wave of Indies buccaneer infiltrators, De Graff, Van Hoorn and de Grammont are better suited to era. That being said, there are some sources that claim the dog lock dates back even earlier than I mentioned, to the 1630's.

As a sword lover over guns, I am happy to see the early portraits of the pirates with cutlasses and such. That being said, it was in fact the long guns that Morgan's and Jean Nau's men carried that took down the fortresses and settlements in Panama.The hangers/cutlass certainly helped with the close-up, hand-to-hand fighting.

Last edited by M ELEY; 22nd November 2017 at 05:25 AM.
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