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Old 14th December 2008, 03:18 AM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,754

I do not know.

However, I would think that Jawa Tengah might be a better bet than Jawa Timur, or Banten. This dhapur always seems to be a light blade, it lacks the basic characteristics of places other than Jawa Tengah --- but when I say that, we need to bear in mind the historic association of Jawa Tengah with the North Coast. In the hand you could probably offer a guess based on tangguh applied to the material.If you came up with sufficient that fitted the same tangguh, then you could offer a little more certainty. I've actually seen quite a few that were tangguh Gresik, but Gresik was renowned for copying earlier patterns from Pajajaran and Majapahit, so that probably doesn't mean much.
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