Thread: Bontoc Shield
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Old 15th March 2005, 04:59 AM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Clearwater, Florida
Posts: 371

That's 100% true, but my two "Warrior head" art shields offer a sense of protection better than any other shield I've ever seen, to the point that I suspect they would actually stop a medium caliber bullet!
Plus, look at the inspiration....I'd have to seriously hurt someone who looked like they were going to mess up that carving with a sword or spear!!!**grin**
In truth, I suspect that in a few years, even these recently made "dance shields" will get more costly as they slowly disapear altogether.
As more and more people move towards the cities and the modern world, the art will likely soon vanish completely so I hesitate to be too harsh on them.....they are well made and appear to be very much in keeping with the older ones as long as you're aware of what you're paying for and not getting scalped.
If you look at any area of weaponry where modern "masters" are keeping a style alive and you'll often find that the prices escalate up to or above some of the old antiques....perhaps this is the one saving rgace that may keep some of these tribal items from disappearing altogether.
Try to find a well made Native American warshield....I'm hoping, probably futiley, that some other rapidly modernizing cultures will learn from those that didn't.
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