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Old 16th March 2005, 04:12 AM   #21
Montino Bourbon
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Santa Barbara, California
Posts: 295
Default Me, a wierdo?

I always knew that music would be a great factor in my life; and after the army, I ended up studying for twelve years full time with the greatest exponent of Indian music, Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. I play, teach, compose, and perform world music, with an emphasis on Indian classical and folk music and African drumming and singing.

I have pretty much all my life been thought of as 'different', to put it kindly; and I don't mind at all.

My family thinks of my passions as a little strange, but ''That's dad, and we like him that way; never a dull moment!" as one of my daughters says.

The views of the average citizen are not very important to me; I prefer the views of intelligent, well-educated, and tasteful people, which is why this forum interests me.

'Armi bianche', or 'white weapons' as blades and suchlike are called in Italy, have always interested me from the practical, artistic, and spiritual aspects.

I also enjoy going to 'Renaissance fairs', where everybody is armed and usually VERY polite, weapons are appreciated, and where music of the type that I play is respected and enjoyed. If that's a 'socio-cultural ghetto', so be it. I'd rather be there than at a tractor pull! (That's a uniquely American pastime involving large vehicles, lots of burning of gasoline, and not much fun for the likes of me.) Since I belong to a nation that at present is prosecuting a war, I hardly think that John Q Public has much to say if I choose to appreciate swords, especially while strongly condemning wholesale slaughter, which I find tasteless, costly, and ineffective in solving social problems. And, as I mentioned before, I'm a veteran of the U.S. regular army.

Whew! that was a good rant! Thank you for asking interesting questions.
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