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Old 20th May 2007, 10:04 AM   #35
ganjawulung's Avatar
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Default Money

From what Alan said just now, I dare to say that: self-campaigning for an empu, or 'prominent keris maker' like Sukamdi is almost impossible. Spend money for hiring lawyer? Even "hiring" himself Sukamdi can not. He is living in a simple condition, although not poor enough to starve...

At least, Sukamdi is still "the son of natural heritage" (?), who has nothing but his ability to create such good keris creation.. He has no power to control infringement like Alan just said. Still a long way to go, for patenting the creation in this keris world.

Insurance? Yes, until now the ability to insure something in the world of keris is still in the hand of the haves. Rich keris collectors in Jakarta, they insured their valuable kerises and put their valuable belongings in the bank's safe deposit box. Prominent bank like BCA (Bank Central Asia), who sponsored also the publishing of Keris Jawa (Haryono Haryoguritno's book), has deposited many valuable kerises from prominent collector (if I may mention) as Mr Sani Gondomono. Sani is a great keris collector, who collecting valuable kerises with valuable ornaments...
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