Thread: Pamorless
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Old 18th April 2020, 12:31 AM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 127

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
If we take the two words "pudhak" & "sategal" and look them up in a dictionary we find that "pudhak" = pandanus flower, and "sategal" ="sa" singular indicator prefix + "tegal" which can be understood in several ways but coupled with a flower it should be understood as dry field, not a field for rice, but for dry crops, or even just grass, it can also be understood as a large field.

However, if we put those two words together they must not be understood literally as separate words, they must be understood as the name of a part of the wardrobe used by dancers performing the classical repertoire.

I have no deep knowledge of Javanese dance, most especially not of the names or appearance of all the wardrobe items used by dancers. I know the origin of the name because it is something that was common knowledge amongst Solo ahli keris during the 1980's.

What I wrote about the freedom of the maker in use of this pudhak sategal characteristic is again something that was taken as a given by the people from whom I learnt, I think you will find EK says something similar --- I cannot check this myself at the moment because I've lent my copy of EK to a friend.

The symbolism of the pandanus flower is common knowledge, but I have no knowledge at all of what variations in the style of rendering the pandanus flower might be.
Many thanks for your detailed explanations Alan

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