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Old 29th November 2011, 08:58 PM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Stu,
It really is amazing what turns up down there!!!
I have always thought miniatures in general were fascinating, seeing such craftsmanship in such small scale. Actually it seems like living in a space smaller than most rooms in houses in this RV, it would be ideal to collect these since I have no place to put the full size ones
It seems like over the years a lot of times those Indonesian and Southeast Asian panoplies are found mounted on plaques. I have a book someplace on miniature arms from years ago, as I say pretty esoteric, and amazing.

I do know that creating these arms in lilliputian size was serious business and created as novelties often for royals and dignitaries usually as displays of craftsmanship by artisans. I think that was the primary purpose rather than as sales samples, and they were intended to impress and delight.

I was hoping for some other entries from readers world out there, but aint holdin my breath !!

All the best,
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