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Old 29th December 2017, 03:42 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,861

Its a pretty simple concept Kai, and certainly not worth a separate thread, in fact, I'd put money on it that anybody who has got just the absolute minimal knowledge of the Javanese keris and Javanese thought processes would be able to guess the way it works.

Think about this:- unless a keris blade is in complete compliance with the relevant pakem it is "di luar pakem" = "out of the parameters" (broadly). Nothing to stop someone from making a keris that combines features in a previously unknown style, but just don't think that you can call it a keris in kraton circles.

So, if you're following the style of a particular kraton, you must follow it exactly, you cannot mix and match the various characteristics of various things and create something new --- not unless ordered to by your lord. An ordinary person simply does not have the authority to vary an established form.

However, when you move away from kraton influence, which means putting distance between yourself and the nearest place where kraton influence may apply, once you get away from the kraton style there is a lot more freedom of individual expression.

Most people attached to a kraton hierarchy, even today, will have more than one set of dress for one or more of their krisses, the type and style of dress should be in accordance with the occasion upon which it would be worn.

The above applies to Central Jawa, Surakarta/Jogjakarta. I cannot speak for other places.

So, in respect of the ?north coast? wrongko under discussion, if I look at Paul's example, in my head I try to match it with other wrongkos of broadly the same style, I do not go looking for vaguely similar features in a totally different style of wrongko : one is gayam, one is ladrang, so I put ladrang completely out of my head.
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