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Old 27th March 2009, 01:54 PM   #17
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 637

Regarding laquer do not sand you will lose the patina underneath. use a little acetone on a rag and it should take it off. If it is resistant soak it for a few minutes it will get sticky at first and then you can rub it or use a toothbrush with it gentle cleanings are much better than sandings.

Regarding workshops these are not the massive shops that were and are prevelant in the more european countries. Most are a small shop roughly 30 x 12 ft with a few people working. There are still a few blacksmith shops in Fes and Meknas currently. The French and Spanish left a more lasting impression than the Portuqese in culture,language,etc. The Moroccans were more a collection of smaller city states including Turag,Berber, and Arab cities.
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