Thread: Taming Sari???
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Old 5th January 2011, 03:50 AM   #7
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 59

Well, actually my question was not whether or not it was the actual Taming Sari

I am more interested in whether or not that jangkung (?) keris with fancy cucumber hilt is the one that the Perak Sultanate CLAIMS to be Taming Sari. It is more about their IDEA of Taming Sari, how it would look like ... let's just assume for a second that the Sultanate tailored the story and the actual Taming Sari was lost in the river. Then, logically, the Sultan would be most likely to commission for a keris that looks as close as possible to the actual Taming Sari from his memory, not something that he fancied of having.

The purpose of this question is so the next time I talk to that Dukun Tarik, I can inspect the kerises that he pulled from the astral plane and look to see if Taming Sari has returned back to Java, so I can get it and be the next Hang Tuah ... Just kidding

I also like that cucumber hilt (this is related to my prior post) and would like to learn more about its style. That hilt doesn't seem common. I guess it's Malay style?
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