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Old 20th November 2021, 03:56 PM   #12
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Default Downplaying Politics


You have taken the term "spin doctoring" to a whole new level and, all kidding aside, your comment may have some serious merit. At the time, Western nations were not at all receptive to Communism (or even Socialism for that matter) so the Chinese Communists may well have felt that it would be more politically correct to downplay their ideology until the Japanese were driven out of China. Appearing openly as the "Red Menace" wouldn't fly well with the "Free World" which was fully united against the threat that Japanese imperialism posed to Western territorial/colonial holdings in Asia/Pacific and at the same time, also very nervous about any future "Yellow Menace" that could arise to threaten those Asia/Pacific holdings. I can imagine that the Chinese Communists considered it prudent to keep a low profile outside of China. This could also be the reason that the 8th Army wore Nationalist uniforms and flew the Nationalist flag.

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