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Old 31st December 2012, 08:41 PM   #9
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I understand and share your disappointment, but ultimately find it better to accept the facts. And in the case of these swords with varying blades and crude hilts imitating the hilts of seifs from Zanzibar, the facts point to a modern production, likely coming from Yemen and not intended for battle, but for the souvenir trade.

If it is of any consolation, I am the (not so) proud owner of one of these, except it is in much worse shape than yours:

You can see some more examples in this old thread about the souks in Riyadh:

I am not sure that I would go as far as to label these swords "fakes", since the word "fake" implies an intent to deceive, and these are so crude that it seems unlikely that anyone is really trying to pass them off as authentic 19th century examples. These swords seem to be produced to satisfy a certain demand, rather than to deceive collectors like you and me: we just happened to make a mistake due to insufficient knowledge of the local souks. The blade on yours looks quite nice and is probably antique. It may have even been used within the culture in a different dress before.

I also do not feel that Ibrahim's post's intent was to offend: as someone who has the benefit of exposure to all the modern sword production in the area, he is uniquely qialified to educate us on it. I may not agree with him on absolutely everything, but I appreciate his local perspective and the knowledge he brings, and in this case, I feel that unfortunately he is correct.

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