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Old 9th September 2006, 01:17 AM   #23
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Well, i wll say that i found questionable infomation in both these articles which makes me wonder at the validity of these reports of poison dipped blades.That doesn't necessarily make it not so, but it does make the information suspect in my eyes. Both these writers are operating from a perspective outside the culture which also allows for misunderstandings to take place. Anyway, both these reports seem to be about the supposed customs of the Malay peninsula, when i believe the question at hand is really the customs of Jawa in regards to the keris. I have not heard any stories relating to the use of poison on Javanese keris or Balinese or Madurese keris for that matter, though they may be out there. I would like to hear more about this, but up until now i have always assumed these tales of poison laced Malay keris to be a Western misconception. Does anyone have any more information on this?
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