Thread: Aceh Swords
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Old 6th November 2005, 09:19 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Virginia
Posts: 520

Originally Posted by Ferguson
Excellent work. I own what I had previously called a Sikkim Panjang. It's so good to know more about the Sumatran weapons.

One problem I have, is that all my information comes from the internet. So never hearing the names spoken, probably has me pronouncing them incorrectly. Can you please tell me how to pronounce "peudeueng" in english?

Thanks for your good work.

Thanks for all the kind comments. I know I need a good background for the page and some work on the sword pictures but that is all comming. Steve I still do not think sikkim is necessarily wrong. It is I beleive an indonesian term for sword. And as I said D. Buttin calls them sikim and I have a huge amount of respect for the work done by him and before him by Charles Buttin.
Peudeueng / pedang / parang /podang or gliwang / klewang / tjo jang , it can make your head spin. I remember an emic - etic debate about dha / darb /dao that personally confused me far more than it helped me. So depending on what indonesian group you show it to you may get it called several things. As to the pronouciation I will try to get a phonetic spelling from my sources as I too have only read the words and how I say them is the southern USA way and probably not too close to the Aceh way.
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