Thread: Research
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Old 26th July 2015, 04:37 PM   #16
trenchwarfare's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 385

Great thread. I thought I might add this...
I have observed over the years, being a member of several forums, that new members are usually given a warm welcome, but not the same amount of attention to their posts, as the veterans get. (unless they're female) Especially, if they post pictures, and ask questions about something that is very elementary. I'm talking about items, that a one minute google search, will produce all there is to know. It also happens, if something extremely rare, and obscure is posted. This happens with knowledgeable new members as well. Before you know it, discussions are only between new members, and the old hands, just sit back and observe. Until, one them post a new thread. Then, it's all hands on deck. This forum isn't as nearly bad as some others. Some are just a group of crusty old know-it-all sharks, just waiting for the next feeding frenzy.

As far as "show 'n tell", isn't that what this is all about? If I post what I think is a really unique item, I'm not saying "Nanny nanny boo boo, look what I have." I'm saying, "Hey guys, check this out! Ain't it cool? Whatizzit?" Or, what can you tell me about it. We don't know all there is to know about anything. But, some dialogue on an unknown item, might accidentally produce the key, that unravels the mystery.
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