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Old 22nd March 2010, 12:37 PM   #13
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Madrid / Barcelona
Posts: 256

I haven't had any need for a translation from Arabic... yet, but it is very good to know that if I ever have, I can come here and ask someone, knowing that my petition will be attended with enthusiasm and kindness.
Thank you, Dom, for your and your beautiful wife's continuous and generous service to our community. It's many of us who really appreciate it, as we also appreciate the selfish sharing spirit of many others around here, who let us partake of their knowledge not only of the subject of our passion, but of languages, too (Zifir for Turkish, Maskell or Rich for Japanese, and so many others I can’t mention because of my horrible memory, but that I’ve seen translating Sanskrit, Urdu, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Chinese, Bontoc, Taglog, and a long etc....). It’s probably one of the most evident signs of the multicultural nature of this activity and of this forum.

To all of you, my sincerest gratitude.
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