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Old 14th March 2010, 08:47 PM   #9
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 5

Originally Posted by Rick
The little sheath knife is called a Puuko .

When you talk of 'unsharpened edge' are you referring to the points or the entire blade length ?

Could be that if you played with them as a kid someone might have rebated the edges for a modicum of safety .
The two long swords appear to have never had an edge, now I am not very familiar with old style blades, but when I look at a modern KATANA with a true edge. These are in no way sharpened, the long leading edge is more of a rounded edge, however the points (short thrusting edge) appears as though it may have had a slight edge on it. This is part of what made me think they might be ceremonial in nature. IT could be that just not being maintained through the years the edge could have become dull, but does not appear that way.
This is what makes me wonder about their being a machete.
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