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Old 12th March 2010, 05:14 AM   #29
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Chicago area
Posts: 327

Sorry didn't mean to break the rules. Didn't mean the original posting but the later example. I don't have a good knowledge of metals but trying to attach/adhere two different metals is tough.
A flimsy piece of metal won't stick to the steel blade.
My first thought was later functionality.
Appears there's something more.
Perhaps it is just decoration, but I 'm somewhat leery of that.

This is a great posting, in the sense of, restoration vs. preserving.
I don't think the hilt represents the original sword & on the other hand, changing the wear, removes history/use.

It is easy to see that many of these swords are being "updated". I'm guilty of repairing/replacing. Difference between nickel & silver is only $10/less in most cases of repairs. The original sword, in this posting deserves better dress & on the other hand, it should be preserved. Don't know right answer.
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