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Old 10th March 2010, 05:33 PM   #18
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 608

Howdy V,

So that head axe in the Macao exhibit was yours, eh? That one is indeed a very close match IMO. Rest assured however, these did not come from that exhibit (if I read your post correctly), as they were originally collected mid-century (as per the OP). FWIW, I decided some time back to keep the first kris. The handle - at least in form - does not seem that dissimilar to other examples in the same Macao exhibit (though those with much more exposure and experience with PI weaponry may disagree).

ThePepperSkull - As I will be holding on to the first kris, I will eventually be parting with this one...

Thanks again to all the members of the forum who were so helpful... As someone who's collection runs the gamut from China to Chippewa, from Berber to Bowie to Black Watch and back, the scope of my collection has all the focus of a caffeinated ferret with ADD. As such, and with rare exception, my reference material is similarly broad in nature. You guys are a wonderful and greatly appreciated resource, and your input is always welcomed with no small measure of gratitude.
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