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Old 28th February 2010, 06:44 PM   #3
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Chicago area
Posts: 327

Originally Posted by CharlesS

The blade seems to be suffering from an identity crisis as it is very awkward to handle. It seems not be able to decide if it's a cleaver-like traditional barong/barung, or a stabber/slasher type, more like a N. Philippines talibon. The blade puts a lot of pressure on the hilt and the enclosed tang, making it very cumbersome to handle.
It'd be great if someone who has trained with the barung would comment.
I've got some older 16"+ & a couple of 22" blades & at first I wondered if these were developed to use, in part, as a stabbing weapon. As you note, that is cumbersome to do. Although someone may train for a long time with the barung; I'm confident that the kris needs considerably more training then the barung to be effective.
The old P.I. Soldier I talked to, most feared the kris & dismissed the barung. He stated no one ever survived the kris & everyone survived the barung. He stated the barung victims could be stitched in the field but there was nothing that could be done for the kris wounds. It would seem to be clear; a high-risk/suicide charge against armed men, several inches of steel matters.
The barung seems like a weapon best suited as boat protection or boarding, dense brush fighting or daily defense carry.
One of my 22" came from a WW2 vet that claimed he got it in 1945. So they were there for at least the Japanese.
My guess is, their main purpose was for a effective slashing weapon in a high-risk/suicide attack for a young man that didn't need years of training.
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