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Old 18th February 2010, 09:10 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 608

Hello Vandoo and thank you for the response. I just returned and will take some more pictures of the first kris shortly - sounds like I might have to hold off for the time being on deciding which to keep...

In the meantime, I have included photos of the second kris in this post.

The second kris has seen better days. However, as there was little active rust or corrosion when I took delivery of these and they were for the most part stabilized, I am of the opinion the deterioration of the blade had taken place some time ago, long before I took possession of it (though how long ago I do not know). The blade of this kris measures approx. 21 3/8 inches in length, with an OAL of 27 inches. Unlike the other example, the gangya (sp? ganja?), which measures approx. 4 inches across, is integrated into the blade. There no readily apparent distal taper that runs the length of the blade as there is with the first example. The blade does appear to taper in width, though not as much as the other; furthermore, the deterioration and blade loss makes such a measurement (at least to any degree of accuracy) unreliable IMO. The hilt treatment is obviously different and far less ornate. It is also somewhat lighter than the other kris.

I'll post some pictures of the Odd Knife in the next post, after which I'll take some close-up photos of the first kris (and the axe heads).
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