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Old 31st January 2010, 03:47 PM   #17
sipakatuo's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 59

Dear Gustav

This is my opnion and to the extend of my limited knowledge.
Speaking about setting of Ganja (Kancing in Bugis term) I saw many style of them in my home town Sulawesi. So it is difficult to say which one is the right setting. Plenty of them just flat, when I say flat means a level with the mouth of warangka, some even slightly sank into the warangka, few shown the upper level or buntut cicak. Through my research in Sulawesi I found no philosophy, reference, or whatsoever about this issue or the knowledge about it has been buried. So I believe it is just a matter of our own preference. The high setting of buntut cicak could be just to make it attractive.

However, I know that in Malaysia dan Singapore they have other opinion about this issue.

Speaking about the setting of gonjo, here I want to share my family's heirlooms and they are as originals as you can see.

Btw, I am just a collector not a dealer or runner. I am here to exchange opinion with you and the rest of members. No point of getting famous or to be acknowledge by everyone. I believe if you have brain and want to be someone then you need to make a book and let other people judge you, by then you can measure your knowledge!. Just read previous threads about the need to claim own identity. My full name is quite long so just call me Andi or Irvan and I live in Jakarta. Thanks and have a nice weekend to everyone.
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