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Old 12th December 2009, 06:16 PM   #1
Jim McDougall
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Default Drum like flyssa marking

Some years ago I encountered an unusual marking on a flyssa blade, which was an odd cylindrical, almost hourglass like shape, along with the more familiar geometrics and flourishes typically seen.

In recent reading, I came across this image of a 'talking drum' which is the type often used by 'griots' (essentially singer/poet/musician) and who served in a manner of minstrels or troubadiers recalling oral traditions. These figures were important in tribal cultures from regions in Mali, Chad, Niger to the west coast tribes . Apparantly they were closely associated with the warrior kings of these tribes.

I am wondering if any out there have encountered such a marking on either a flyssa blade, or any weapons or items from these regions.

Best regards,
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