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Old 5th November 2009, 05:42 AM   #23
Keris forum moderator
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Once again, Arthurian legend was pieced together from the writings of various medieval romantic writers weaving their tales many centuries after the historical Arthur may have lived. If the question here is are there similar cultural beliefs to those held in Indonesia in regards to the keris i think it is a hard stretch to relate these stories of the sword in the stone or Excalibur to the living, albiet fading, cultural traditions of the keris which are real, not legendary. I am speaking in regards to the beliefs of tuah and isi and the practice of passing down keris as pusaka to serve as a binding element to ones relations. These traditions were real and pervasive within this culture for centuries. Nothing like this existed in any European culture as far as i know, even if there was a weapon here or there that was deemed special or powerful.
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