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Old 6th September 2009, 03:39 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 14
Default WWII Katana signature - can someone help identify please?

Hi again - another of my recent aquisitions, a supposed WWII Katana that was taken from a japanese officer during the war. The blade is in pretty good shape but I believe it to be machine made as I can't discern any hamon on it. It is signed on one side and has the numbers 232 painted in green on the other. The grip is in good but dirty condition and missing an end cap I suppose. All the other hardware is there but the scabbard is in pretty rough shape as it was covered in rayskin?

I took as good of a picture as I could of the signature and also created a negative image of it as well - parts may be easier to read that way.

Any help in identifying the signature would be greatly appreciated!
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