I have an example that could be termed "eastern influence on western armour". I have already posted and discussed it on myarmoury forum
http://www.myarmoury.com/talk/viewtopic.php?t=17004 ) , but methinks that you would not mind if I'd shared it with you
This is from a Marble monument dedicated to György Serédy (dated 1549, although some historians date it later to 1557) that is located in a church (St.Egidius, basilica minor) in my hometown of Bardejov, Slovakia ( hope thats not being considered as a commercial but hey you are free to pay a visit if you wish

I was told that Serédy's helmet is a burgonet. The one that I find most similar to it is this piece:
However, please note the presence of the "nasal bar" on Serédy's burgonet that is a feature apparently borrowed from the ottoman-turkish çiçak helmet: