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Old 28th June 2009, 04:06 PM   #21
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Hatumesh
1. I now understand that even by extensive reading of previous entries in this and other forums - one can not expect to become an expert in antique edged weapons. But even once you are an expert, what are the comments about the origin of my Kindjal based on? On the marks and engravings? On the decorations? On the general look of the dagger (Is it considered a Dagger, a knife or a short sword)? I was rather amazed at remarks arguing that the origin is not A but B, where A and B are so very close on the map...

2. This Kindjal (and some of my other items too) has more then mere patina. The pitting is deep in places. I'm still looking for ideas and guidelines (simple and inexpensive) as to how to best work on it.

And as to question of appraising and selling the Kindjal - I will rush to next-door-forum and open an entry there!
Kindjal are not my area at all, but in terms of your first question i think the opinions on your blade are based on all of the above and probably a bit more. After all the small details are taken into account there is then that general overall feeling that one can get about their chosen blades of interest that comes from years of looking at and handling hundreds of similar daggers. Still, even then, you can often find differences of opinions among "experts" in the field. If you find this as frustrating as i do i would not be surprised.
I am not surprised that someone could argue for or against A or B even when they are so close on the map. Sometimes cultural inticators are very specific and localized. There are, for instance, subtle indicators of both blade and dress that can be used to determine the difference between Surakarta and Djogjakarta keris. East Jawa keris have their own indicators. All these variations exist on one small island of Jawa in the Indonesian archipelago. Then you have islands like Madura and Bali that are right next door that have completely different indicators of blade and dress.
BTW, if by "rush to next-door-forum" you are referring to our Swap Forum, i do indeed suggest you do, however appraisals are still not permitted even in that forum. Good luck.
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