Thread: Is it a Tajong?
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Old 26th March 2009, 09:19 PM   #16
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I think that this all brings me to the question of what exactly describes a proper tajong? Is it merely the name of the dress form or does it also describe the blade as well? I have never seen a tajong with a blade like this. Does this mean this is not a tajong? If it is merely a name for the dress form regardless of the type of blade within then i think we must approach the original question from an examination of just the dress. In my limited scope in the understanding of tajong hilts i look at this hilt and it doesn't look quite right to me. That is to say that the eyes don't seem to be in the right place and the carved patterns don't look particularly like what i have seen on other hilts. So i wonder, is there something that would be considered to be like a "pakem" for the design of these hilts? Does this hilt meet the standards for that "pakem" if such a guideline exists? If not, is it still a tajong?
I do not mean any of these questions to be interpreted as a general condemnation of this keris as Alan suggests. I am merely approaching the original question, "Is this a tajong?". Even if it is not i don't believe that that necessarily means it was not worth the money you paid for it.
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