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Old 29th January 2009, 06:34 PM   #8
Dimasalang's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gonzalo G
The only reference I have found to this sword, in several languajes, comes from this single interview to Leo Giron. Maybe in philippino languaje there is some other reference.


Being Leo Giron was born in Pangasinan, aside from Tagalog(the universal language), most likely he was raised speaking Ilocano and Pangasinan dialects. My family on my mothers side stems from Pangasinan(she speaks all 3 languages). I just spoke with my uncle, he has never heard of the name or term "talonason"...not to say it is not of Ilocos, but he has never heard the term in or around Pangasinan. In WWII most guerrilla fighting took place in Northern Luzon(majority Ilocano country). Maybe someone who is pure Ilocano or of another dialect from northern Luzon may know. Nearly all of them have different names for sword or bolo.

Luzon may just be one island, but it is the largest main island and it is huge(42,000sq miles). Pangasinan was a heavily controlled and influenced province during the Spanish era. Actually, nearly all of Luzon was heavily influenced by the Spanish, except for the remote mountain regions of northern I wouldn't think of the sword to be truly unique or out of the ordinary. This sword may just remain a mystery since GM Leo seems to be the only one who has ever referred to it.
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