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Old 22nd December 2008, 09:51 PM   #29
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,764

Michel, as far as I'm concerned you played the game OK.

You like the keris you posted a pic of.

OK, you just give this pic to somebody who understands a bit more than you do, and tell them to get it duplicated. This can be done. For you, its a visual thing, and the rest of it doesn't matter. Fair enough.

For me, this game is just that:- a game.

Bram and I have been making exchanges that are completely specious. We both know we are talking nonsense and joking along the way---at least I am, and I am sure Bram has spent enough time in contact with western culture---maybe Aussie, maybe British---to understand the way this brand of humour works.

My 13th December post was serious, but I was then wearing my "serious" hat.

If I were to wear my "dream-maker " hat I might want a keris made with isi and tuah that could guarantee me a 25 million dollar Lotto win---or perhaps the throne of a small kingdom.

Yep---this would be my sort of keris:- handsome is as handsome does.

One of my great faults is that I cannot stay too serious for too long, particularly with a subject as light-hearted as the one that is the basis for this thread.
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