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Old 14th December 2008, 02:25 AM   #8
Kiai Carita
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 91
Default My dream keris

I would want a Carita with 11 luks.

It would be kelengan without pamor made in the Majapahit style. I would want it to be slender and gracefull and light but very sharp and very strong. The sharpness and the strength of the blade would be very important to me, and I would want to test it.

I would want a sturdy pesi and defined ricikan, and it woud be dressed in a bold timoho pattern or aromatic sandalwood with the whole scabbard one peice of wood, in a Yogya gayaman style.

The pendok would be suasa with a discreet Suryoningalogo coat of arms on the back.

After that, I would want two more kerises. One would be made by Pak Alan and the other would be made by Lemmy the UK Mpu who also posts here. I would treasure the work of these two current Mpus.

If Pak Alan could obtain it, I would want him to make the keris from scratch using iron and steel from the First Fleet that landed in Botany Bay and make it a tangguh Ngostrali. Any dhapur or pamor would do but I prefer simple rather than fancy.

For the keris made by Lemmythesmith, I would be very happy to keep the patrem he showed us a while back. If not then any other keris he feels happy to make using meteorite would be splendid.
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