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Old 12th December 2008, 04:50 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 285

Originally Posted by Jussi M.

lets just assume that you were to have only one keris for the rest of your life and that youd have an opportunity to have one made for you by a true master.

Within the boundaries of good taste and finances that you could actually handle how would your "perfect" keris be like?

Just your personal view based on what ever you feel is important to you.


Well, its very difficult to describe what I really want.
there should be a picture or a hand drawing to mention what I really want my keris would be.
I've made some specified ricikan for my "imaginary" keris would be:
1. straight keris
2. pamor = wengkon ( just near the edge )
3. kembang kacang
4. jalu melet
5. lambe gajah
6. greneng
7. sogokan

as the style, I prefer the Surakarta PBX style.(Surakarta is my hometown)
its rather big, strong, firm and thin.
I'm still looking for the right picture.
is there somebody out there having an example of the keris I describe above?

Well how about you?

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