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Old 8th August 2008, 11:09 PM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,766

I have stained blades with ferric chloride, and with a mixture of sulphur, salt, and rice water.

The sulphur mix was used on an old blade and it came up very acceptable. Only ever did one blade this way, as it was too much mucking around.

Ferric chloride I've use a number of times, and for old style Javanese pamor, or Bugis pamor, it gives a fairly OK result.

I've used warangan (realgar) bought in Indonesia many, many times. The results are variable, and not always predictable. I personally don't like Javanese warangan much. In fact, at the moment the stuff that's available in Solo is absolutely no good.

I get the best results from laboratory quality white arsenic.

Yes, these days there are difficulties associated with buying it, but in Australia, if you have a Hazchem certificate you can get it. You can get a Hazchem certificate, that is, a certificate that qualifies you to handle hazardous chemicals, for the cost a bit of tech attendance and some easy exams.My guess would be that the same or a similar situation applies in other countries. I guess it all depends on how bad somebody wants to stain blades correctly.
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