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Old 8th July 2008, 02:00 PM   #23
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by fernando
However in my perspective, there is a great difference between the Forum swap section and a business speculation web site.
I would risk to bet that, such swap section wasn't implemented for the members to buy things with the basic intention to come in there to sell them with a speculated profit, nor with the intent to only sell things to the member with the nicest eyes.
Thank you Fernando, i believe you have hit at the heart of the matter right here. We do not run an open marketplace here. It is a members only club. You might have noticed in fact, that the forum under discussion here is called the "Swap Forum". Now, i don't think anyone imagined that sales would not take place there as well and in fact more "sales" than "swaps" do occur. But as far as i can see this swap forum is a service for our members to help each other grow our collections or dispose of pieces when we decide to move on to something else or plan on trading up. Nothing irks me more than when dealers "join" our forum just so that they can start using the swap as their marketplace and hardly, if ever, make any posts on the regular discussion boards. As far as i am concerned, the cut-throat rules of marketplace advantage should be left at the door. I am not saying that a seller should take a bad deal for community sake, but a little transparency would go a long way in situations like this. We are a community here, and as far as i can tell from my surfing of the net, a rather unique one. IMHO we should treat each other just a little bit better that we would act in the marketplace at large.
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