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Old 10th June 2008, 03:53 AM   #36
Gt Obach
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 116

if you grind the grooves in ... early on... then they seem to have a nicer more organic feel.....

but if you do them close to final forging... it looks more like that blade...

-- to do that sword... just use a dremel with a wide stone... to cut the shallow channel... and forge flat in a very reducing atmosphere..
-- if the sword was a heavy saber... with spine around 5mm ... then no problem at all.. lots of room for pattern..

deep prior rust spots would be left as they are... and would come back after regrinding forge scale off.

by the way... ladders can even come out when forging the blade with a very narrow fullering tool... used to draw out the barstock...

nice sword

i think Jeff's idea is good
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