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Old 1st May 2008, 10:21 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Gonzalo G
It is not so, David, as A. G. Maisey clearly stated in a previous post that the meaning is actual, as the Oxford source points in this direction. I would better say that there is a "popular" use of the word, versus a more technical one. Besides, I don´t know how old is the souce Tim mentions. It could be as old as mine. I did not obviously used the term "classical" in the sense of anachronic, but "proper". By the way, I just checked The American College Dictionary: "Repoussé 1. (of a design) raised in relief by hammering on the reverse side 2. Oramented or made in this kind of raised work." Of course, it is an actual dictionary, and this meaning of the word is supported also by an authority in metalworking which I already quoted . But if you have some better understanding of silversmithing, or a better source to contribute with, please do it, as we need to go beyond personal interpretations.
Gonzalo, i think that you missed the point of my post. Afterall, who am i to argue with Oxford, the American College dictionary and Wikipedia.

I was merely pointing out that the source you used, Herbert Maryon, an Englishman apparently of some repute, does not seen to support your conclusion at least not in the quoted passage. This is not to say that your conclusion is wrong, i just didn't understand why you were using his quote to try to support it.
Personally i am willing to go with what ever definition gets me properly understood as that is always the bottom line.
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