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Old 25th March 2005, 08:16 AM   #17
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Clearwater, Florida
Posts: 371

As an admitted animal fan, Ariel and BSMStar, even terms like "cold blooded" seem to fit people better than have to keep in mind that I spent more than a few years dealing with what people do to each other on a surprisingly regular basis.**grin**
As to the movies, alas, here too we have a case where people's fears are played upon specifiacally to instill fear and horror and often to usually have little to do with what the animals REALLY do, which is usually actually beneficial in the real world (BUT doesn't sell movie tickets! **grin**)
Tell your son to feel free to e-mail me for assistance should he ever need it, or even just moral support.
Let's just say my youth was somewhat troubled as my appreciation and love of animals was NOT a shared family trait or interest, and that even peaceful species seemed to insist on attacking my father just to exacerbate the situation....ever see a killer pigeon? **BIG grin**
With that said, I'll apologize and quit hijacking the thread...sorry, sorry, sorry.
As to the guard on this piece, bronze isn't common, although not unheard of, and likewise sculpted or shaped quillons are unusual, with the vast majority of kaskaras having them plain and straight, although fairly commonlly octagonal or sextagonal in profile.
Although probably subjective, it just doesn't "feel" right to me.
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